Housing redevelopment plans are being executed in one of the poorest neigborhoods at the edge of the Amsterdam North. Exactly on the border between the old housing and the new projects lies a former 'Vianney' church, built in 1969. A group of volunteers live and work together in the church on a temporary lease, in a collective effort to run a social-cultural neighborhood center based on alternative ideals.
A small Content Marketing Agency in Bern offers an insight in their daily business.
Kelly and Fams are 21 years old, two years together and in a long distance relationship. In the documentary we follow their relationship and quest for independence, against the backdrop of Fams’ unpredictable asylum procedure. How do Kelly and Fams separately and together deal with the powerlessness and uncertainty that such a procedure brings? Does their love also know limits?
With limited access to a job or entertainment, how would you spend your time? This film is a portrait of eight people who await their asylum procedure, showing what they do during the day and what all that waiting does to them.
Shift film Festival 2020 - Limburg film Festival 2021 - Rotterdams Open Doek 2021